Der CfP des SBL seminars “Meals in the Greco-Roman World” für das Annual Meeting in Boston (November 2020) ist online:
Call for Papers Closes: 3/11/2020

Sigma-Mahl auf einem Bodenmosaik in einem Haus aus dem 3. Jh. n. Chr. in Sepphoris, Galiläa
Call For Papers: The MGRW seminar has planned three sessions for 2020:
a) New studies on Meals and Water rites (call esp. for PhD students) – Water rites and meals were rituals marked by religious and social diversity and embodying an image of society. We are interested in discussing new studies that analyze the relationship between meals and rites involving water. The function of meals and water rites might be related to each other in terms of theology, context, participants, leaders, social representation, purpose, etc. Weiterlesen