Call for Papers: Meals in the Greco-Roman World Seminar (SBL Annual Meeting 2020 in Boston)

Der CfP des SBL seminars “Meals in the Greco-Roman World” für das Annual Meeting in Boston (November 2020) ist online:

Call for Papers Closes: 3/11/2020

Sigma-Mahl auf einem Bodenmosaik in einem Haus aus dem 3. Jh. n. Chr. in Sepphoris, Galiläa

Sigma-Mahl auf einem Bodenmosaik in einem Haus aus dem 3. Jh. n. Chr. in Sepphoris, Galiläa

Call For Papers: The MGRW seminar has planned three sessions for 2020:

a) New studies on Meals and Water rites (call esp. for PhD students) Water rites and meals were rituals marked by religious and social diversity and embodying an image of society. We are interested in discussing new studies that analyze the relationship between meals and rites involving water. The function of meals and water rites might be related to each other in terms of theology, context, participants, leaders, social representation, purpose, etc. Weiterlesen

Dresdner Beiträge beim Annual Meeting der SBL 2019

SBL 2019: Studium mit Meerblick

Vor Kurzem fand in San Diego das Annual Meeting der SBL statt (23. bis 26.11.). Dieses Mal gab es zwei Paper von Dresdner Theologen, beide im Rahmen der Gruppe Meals in the Greco-Roman World.

Jan Heilmann präsentierte in der Session Reading and Interpretive Activity during Ancient Meals ein Paper mit dem Titel “Ancient Literary Culture and Meals in the Greco-Roman World: The Role of Reading during Ancient Symposia”. Das zweite Dresdner Paper kam von mir: Unter dem Titel “Drinking like Jesus: Symposiastic Ethics in Clement of Alexandria” trug ich in der Session Drinking and Intoxication in Ancient and Late Antique Meals vor. Weiterlesen

“Mahl und Text” beim SBL Annual Meeting 2018 in Denver

Jennifer Knust, Benedikt Eckhardt, Kevin Künzl, Soham Al-Suadi, Anni Hentschel, Juan Garcés, Peter-Ben Smit (v. l.).

Im Rahmen der Section “Meals in the Greco-Roman World” hatte unser DFG-Netzwerk “Mahl und Text” dieses Jahr beim Annual Meeting der SBL in Denver die Gelegenheit, in einer eigenen Session Einblick in seine bisherigen Arbeitsergebnisse zu geben. Die Session fand am Samstag, 17.11.2018, 13 Uhr im Colorado Convention Center statt. Das Panel bestand aus den Mitgliedern des Netzwerkes. Hier das Programm:

Benedikt Eckhardt argumentierte in seinem Paper, dass für die textkritischen und inhaltlichen Schwierigkeiten in Just. Apol I 65–67 das eigentlich problematische Element der Begriff “Mischung” (κρᾶμα) sei. Weiterlesen

Statement on Muslim Ban

We, the steering committee of the Meals in the Greco-Roman World Seminar group, denounce the recent executive order by American President Donald Trump banning entry into the USA for people from certain predominantly Muslim countries, whether or not they are permanent residents of the USA. This ban goes against the ancient and venerable tradition of offering hospitality to the stranger in need as well as against modern sensibilities of decency and humanity. Especially since the meal is the symbol of welcome and hospitality, we feel an obligation to speak out. The texts and cultures studied by this group are unanimous that strangers be made welcome: Abraham offered hospitality to three strange visitors at Mamre (Genesis 19); Jesus was dependent on hospitality (Mk 2:15) and made it a focal point in his parables (Lk 10:34–35; 11:5–8); he called on his followers to provide food and shelter for those in need (Matt 25:35); early Christian letters remind readers, “Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers” (Heb 13:2); and Passover liturgies call on diners to remember having once been strangers in a strange land. This order has ramifications for the scholarly community, academics who would take part in ongoing discussion as part of our seminar and our learned societies, the American Academy of Religion and the Society of Biblical Literature, but also for the thousands of refugees fleeing terror and hoping for sanctuary from violence. We reject fear. We reject hate.

The steering committee, Meals in the Greco-Roman World seminar group.
Dr Soham Al-Suadi, University of Bern
Dr Jan Heilmann, Technische Universität Dresden
Dr Lillian I Larsen, University of Redlands
Prof Susan Marks, New College of Florida
Prof Chan Sok Park, The College of Wooster
Prof Hal Taussig
Dr Meredith JC Warren, University of Sheffield